WordPress Theme For Booking and Rental
Hand-picked selection of quality places
Fully integrated with most popular payment gateways. Send and receive payments straight out of the box.
Homey is a powerful booking platform that lets you run a residential or commercial rental business online with no hassle.
Follow a reservation from start to end. Get email notifications and be always on point on their status.
Guests simply choose their travel dates to book with you immediately. It doesn’t require any kind of approval from the host.
Administrate your properties, reservation requests, availability calendar and much more from an easy to use front end panel.
Allow your users to log in and submit listings information from the front end of your website.
Find a home that fits your comfort
The biggest reward is to satisfy our clients and share their experience with us
Все чисто и аккуратно, а главное, без комиссий!
Спасибо Homeny за безупречный сервис и заботу!
Быстро нашли идеальные апартаменты для отпуска!
Отличное расположение, уютная квартира! Обязательно вернусь!
У вас уже есть аккаунт? Авторизоваться
Пожалуйста, введите ваше имя пользователя или адрес электронной почты. Вы получите ссылку для создания нового пароля по электронной почте.